There are 4 major areas you need to ensure your pet is covered for over the course of their life.
It is essential all pets are on year-round prevention against ticks – tick paralysis can be fatal so protecting your pet is extremely important.
Once attached, the tick secretes a toxin that causes paralysis of the muscles. It affects every animal differently but we usually see wobbliness in the back legs, voice change, vomiting or breathing changes as the first signs.
Other ticks in our area include the brown dog tick and bush ticks. While these do not cause paralysis they can transmit other disease and cause localised irritation.
There are many options for prevention – from chewables to topical applications or the BRAND-NEW yearly injection with Bravecto Quantum (dogs only).
Not only are these parasites a nuisance, but they can also transmit disease, cause localised irritation and even trigger an allergy condition (Flea allergy dermatitis) that is extremely itchy and uncomfortable for your pet.
The most common source of fleas is the environment, from the dog park, the beach, walking around the neighbourhood or just your house or backyard. Most of their lifecycle is found in the environment so if you can see adult fleas there is a good chance there is more you can’t see. Because of this lifecycle year-round prevention and maintenance is essential to minimise the chance of an infestation developing.
There are many options for prevention – from chewables to topical applications or the BRAND-NEW yearly injection with Bravecto Quantum (dogs only).
Intestinal Worms
The important intestinal worms to protect against are roundworm, tapeworm, whipworm and hookworm.
Unfortunately, many worms infesting dogs are zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans (with children and the immunocompromised at greater risk). This is another reason to ensure your pets are up to date with their worming prevention.
Puppies and kittens can sometimes arrive at their new homes with worms. In very young animals or in high numbers these can cause gastrointestinal issues, malnutrition or anaemia and make your pet quite sick.
Generally, a worming tablet is given once every 3 months but there are other options that we can discuss.
Heartworm disease is a serious, potentially fatal, disease seen all over Australia. Dogs are more susceptible than cats.
Heartworms are transmitted via mosquitoes and, once infected, the adult worms live within the heart and large blood vessels where they grow and cause heart disease, amongst other issues.
If your pet isn’t up to date on prevention it is essential to do an easy blood test prior to starting.
There are a few options for prevention – either monthly chewables (commonly in combination with other worming, flea and tick prevention) or a yearly injection (Proheart SR12).
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