We recommend a yearly IDEXX preventative screening for all of our senior patients. g for all of our senior patients. This includes a comprehensive bloodwork panel, urinalysis and faecal assessment. This is a great starting point for monitoring your pet’s internal health as they age and can also highlight developing conditions when they are still quite new.
Dogs and cats age much faster than humans – by 2 many have already reached adulthood. By 7, many are entering their senior years.
Early detection is critical, and this is a key focus during your pet’s annual health check. During this appointment a full thorough exam is performed and anything concerning investigated. This can vary from lumps that needing investigating, assessment of signs of arthritis, a dental check or performing routine screening bloodwork.
Conditions that commonly affect older animals include (but not limited to):
• Arthritis – can be a common cause of chronic pain and reduced ability to exercise. There is a wide variety of management options available and we can find one that works for you and your pet
• Heart disease – this condition can be common in certain breeds of dogs and cats
• Kidney disease – this is especially common in our older cats
• Urinary incontinence – commonly seen in older female dogs, this condition is usually easy to manage but can be quite distressing to the pet if not treated
• Brain aging – can be noticed as behavioural changes, barking at seemingly nothing, blindness or deafness or a change in toileting habits. While we cannot reverse most of these changes there are options to minimise some of them and keep your pet as comfortable as possible
• Dental disease – extremely common in older pets and causes not only oral pain but can impacts on other organ health
• Obesity – not only does this put extra pressure on their joints (leading to arthritis development) it can contribute to the development of other health conditions. Maintaining a healthy body weight can contribute to a much-improved quality of life
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Health Check
We provide Health Checks and Personalised Nutrition plans for pets.
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Cat Boarding
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Dog Boarding
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